Digital Marketing Tactics You Don’t Want to Miss Before the Year Ends

There are only a few weeks left before the New Year, and marketers are scrambling to find better ways to boost their outcomes. With most businesses going online after the pandemic, the competition just got a bit tougher. If you want to boost online traffic, acquire quality leads, and optimize your conversions, it is a must that you step up your marketing game. First, stay updated with the top trending digital marketing predictions. Here’s what experts expect to see more once 2021 unfolds.

Pay-Per-Click Ads

If there is one thing for sure, it is that PPC ads are here to stay even post-pandemic. Not many business owners realize the importance and effectiveness of such targeted online advertisements. This is one of the reasons why you should consider investing in PPC campaigns before the year ends.

With PPC advertising, you can gain quality leads and improve your conversion rates. But note that search engine giants now limit search data availability, as an attempt to address the privacy concerns of consumers. If you’re not sure how to keep up, you can always hire the pros to enhance your PPC campaigns.

Featured Snippets

Remember when every digital marketer’s dream was to make it to the number one spot on the first page of the search engine results page (SERPs)? Now, everyone’s aim is to be the featured snippet that shows internet users the exact answer they could be looking for in the first place. The box that shows on the topmost portion of the results page suggests what the search engine deems to have the most valuable information that can answer your inquiry.

Before, marketers hated featured snippets, also known as no-click searches. This is since it already provides users with a quick answer which lowers their site traffic. But in reality, if your site gets the Position Zero in a search result, this makes your site look more authentic and valuable.

Featured snippets have its pros as well as its fair share of cons. Snippets dominate the SERPs, help you quickly improve your company’s credibility, and can drive visitors to your site. You don’t even need to rank on the first page nor pay anything just for Google to love your content and place your specific content in Position Zero.

According to studies, one possible drawback of featured snippets is lower site traffic. The good news is, there are things you can do to entice users to click on your website despite your content providing a quick and accurate answer. The fact that you managed to get the search engine’s trust just shows you’re only a few steps away from convincing your target audiences to visit and stay on your site.

Social Media Stories

Check every social media platform and you will find one feature that almost every brand is going gaga over. That’s right! Social media stories are dominating social media marketing these days.

These may seem like a waste of precious time since the stories will only be available for about 24 hours at a time. But in reality, featured stories are so powerful because it creates a buzz on your followers. It creates excitement, keeps your them updated, and makes them crave every story you will publish especially when it comes to your latest offerings, discounts, freebies, etc.

If you think your SMM can use a bit of a boost, then invest time in creating engaging featured stories. Take inspiration from some of the biggest brands that nailed features stories in social media.

Google Verified Business Listings

google my business

If you own a brick and mortar business and is still trying to establish your local online presence, make sure to verify your brand on Google. Make sure to enter the correct information and claim your business before fraudsters try to use your brand for their personal gain. With a Google-verified business listing, your target audiences will consider your brand as a reputable business.

Make sure to ask your past and current customers to add reviews on your Google listing. Studies show that online reviews are powerful marketing tools for any business. Don’t just welcome good reviews, since hitting the three stars mark is enough to entice consumers to trust your website.

Voice Search

With the increasing number of internet users using voice search on their gadgets, it only makes sense to reconsider your keywords and start a voice search strategy. Consumers continuously crave for convenience. If personalization is their demand in 2019, voice search convenience is their next target.

Consumers are not only using smartphones to do voice searches. They are also investing in virtual assistants to do their online search for them. Optimizing your strategy for voice search allows you to reach out to these users, improve customer experience, and get ahead of your competitors.

Keeping up with the latest trends and predictions in digital marketing allows you to adjust your strategy before your competition does. This is a good way to get ahead, stay competitive, and gain better results. Check your current business needs and see which of these trends would help you suit your digital marketing goals.

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