6 Major Trends in Print Advertising to Look Out For

Traditional print advertising is now sharing the spotlight with modern digital advertising, but that doesn’t mean it is no longer valuable. Even with the continuous development and innovation of digital marketing, we are still going back to our roots of print advertising that has been proven effective time and time again.

But before you look for the nearest printing services to make your print ads, take a look at the latest print ad trends that you can incorporate in your marketing strategies.

1. Interactive print ads

The sad fact is that people won’t always look at your print ads for more than a few seconds. This is especially true for distributed print ads like brochures and flyers, which usually end up in the trash or lost in purses after your potential customer spares it a glance. So, how can you make your customers look for longer than five seconds at your print ads?

An effective way to engage your target audience via print ads is to make them interactive. Put QR codes and discount codes that potential customers can use online. In this way, you can increase engagement with your audiences as well as make your ads more memorable, even if they are static.

2. Newsletters

The use of newsletters may have died down in the past, but these recent years have seen them making a comeback. The main reason for this is that customers are more likely to trust tangible print materials than virtual advertisements. Moreover, with so many businesses that switched to solely e-mail marketing, distributing physical newsletters to your target audience can give your business an edge over your competitors.

However, you should make newsletters concise and easy-to-read in order to be effective. People are immediately turned off when they see walls of text on a piece of paper, so ensure that you condense the content of your newsletters to the most important news only.

3. Stimulating the senses

Having striking visuals on your print ads is imperative if you want to catch the attention of your target audience. But you can make your ads even more eye-catching and unique by stimulating touch and smell as well.

This can be achieved by incorporating unique texture and smell to your print ads. For example, you can print your brochures on specialty paper instead of regular paper to make them more memorable. On the other hand, you can use printing materials that have scents that go with your brand.

4. Personalized ads

Your target audience is more likely to read your print ads if they are personalized, as opposed to when they receive ads that are obviously mass-produced. Furthermore, personalizing your print ads can help you form a stronger relationship with your customer, which will, in turn, increase the chances of engagement and conversion.

Start by addressing customers by their name on direct mail. At the same time, find out what they are into so that you can deliver content that they are interested in, instead of sending out widely general topics to all of your customers.

5. Featured stories

Featuring customer stories in your print ads not only increases your trustworthiness to other customers, but it also brings you closer to your existing ones. By featuring their stories on your printed materials, it shows that you value them and their experiences with your business. And of course, the people that are featured in your ads will brag about it to their friends and family, which can also increase attention for your brand.

6. Minimalism

Just like when it comes to digital marketing, minimalism reigns supreme in modern print advertising today. Gone are the days of companies squeezing excessive elements into one single print ad. Today, businesses are using minimalist designs in their print ads, aiming to divert all the focus on the main point of the ad while exuding elegant simplicity.

print media

That said, keep the elements to a minimum and use simple imagery to get the point across as soon as your target audience looks at your ad. Leave plenty of white space in your layout to emphasize your product, service, or brand. Moreover, keep the text concise and easy-to-read so that your target audience will be able to absorb your message in less than thirty seconds.

Print advertising remains effective and compelling, even with the boom of digital marketing and social media. That said, don’t underestimate the power of print advertising; it’s still not and perhaps will never be obsolete no matter how far technology takes us.

These are the most popular trends in print advertising today. By using these trends for your next print advertising campaign, you will be more likely to capture the attention of both the older crowd (who are used to print ads) and the younger generations (who are used to both print and digital ads).

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