What You Need to Know Before Self-Publishing Your First Book

If you're an avid reader, the idea of writing your own fiction or non-fiction book has surely crossed your mind. And if you have the imagination, talent, and passion, nothing should stop you from creating your own content. The problem, however, is how you can show it to the world if you're a newbie in the industry.

Getting recognized by big-time publishers isn't easy because traditional publishers are highly likely to not give a newcomer a chance unless you have a great talent and you have your own huge "following". This means your social media account has numerous followers awaiting your first book.

This is when you should consider self-publishing. It's less expensive, faster, and you'd have more control of the design and content. Well-known authors have also self-published at the beginning of their career, so it's definitely worth it. High-quality coffee table book printers can help independent authors like you to be in the spotlight.

But how can you prepare for self-publishing? Here are the three most important steps you should take:

1. Hire Editors

Traditional and self-publishing companies have in-house editors, but if you want your book to have the potential of being a best-seller right away, hiring editors who worked on famous best-selling books is a good idea. However, expect that you may have to rewrite your book many times. 

Have a copy editor to correct any grammatical and spelling errors and an editor who would improve the overall content. Your editor will be your first critic, pointing out flaws in your draft's structure, logic, and flow. This is where you may be asked to rewrite many parts of your book. This isn't because you're not talented, but editors have sufficient knowledge of what your target market is looking for. You'd realize how your manuscript will look so much better after editing.

2. Have a Good Cover Design and Layout

They say don't judge the book by its cover, but everyone does so, anyway. You don't need to hire a professional cover designer, but if you have the means, then, of course, you can do it. The key is to have strong imagery and typography

Layout is also crucial. If you're self-publishing an e-book, for example, you don't want to stick on your original PDF file and publish it as is. You can hire professionals to fix your e-book's layout, do it on your own, or have your chosen self-publishing company fix it for you. 

Woman looking at color palette

3. Create a Following

Even though self-publishing companies won't require you to be "social media famous", you can absolutely benefit from it. Write blogs and create other content about your writing. Gain website traffic by using big blogging sites and social media. You won't earn many followers overnight, but if you're consistent on producing good content, they will come your way.

Be sure not to put too much sale content. Focus on what your followers are more interested in because that's why they followed your blog in the first place. With a good number of followers, you can send an advance copy of your book to them and ask them nicely to leave a review. You can also do the same to bigger book bloggers. Their reviews may not guarantee huge sales, but they will be effective in building awareness of your work.

With a publish-ready manuscript, superior cover design and layout, and sizeable followers, your first book will be a success. You may not feel it immediately, but with determination, faith, and luck, you'd be reaping the benefits in no time.

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