Strategies for Making Your Business More Approachable

Your business wouldn’t mean anything without your customers. If your business is hard to reach and uncommunicative, you’re going to have a difficult time reeling in new customers and keeping your existing ones. Businesses, like people, can drive others away with a distant and cold persona. Here are several ways you can make it easy for customers to reach you and encourage them to interact with your business.

Use an 03 number

03 numbers in the UK allow businesses to have one national point of contact without customers having to pay extra to call them. 08 numbers tend to scare customers away from interacting with a business because these numbers tend to rack up exorbitant telephone fees. On the other hand, 03 numbers don’t cost any more than a national rate call you would make to an 01 or 02 number. This gives your customers more confidence when it comes to the cost of their calls, and it will make them more inclined to contact you.

Interact on social media

Social media websites have made it easy to interact with people without having to be in the same room as them. Make the most of this by listening to your customers and replying to them. This is a great way to learn more about your business and what people think about it. You can use this feedback to improve your products and services as well as advertise any new offerings and promotions you may have to both returning and new customers.

Build an accessible website

Over 30% of customers find it difficult to trust a business without a website. A responsive and well-designed website will lend credibility to your business and make it much easier for your customers to find you when they search for you online. This makes it much more likely for people to believe in your business enough to interact with you. This is also where you can unify all your products, services, and announcements in one place, so your clients won’t have a hard time making a purchase or booking your services.

Get involved with your local community

Show your customers that you care about them and the issues that affect them by participating in charitable events that benefit the community. These include auctions, fun runs, and other fun activities that bring everyone together. Sponsoring events that are of service to a good cause is a great way to show a side of your business that is more human and charitable. You might even be featured in the press, which is another way to reach new clients.

Prioritize good customer service

Nobody wants to deal with rude, stand-offish people. If the people associated with your business are ill-mannered, customers will be less willing to engage with you. This seems pretty obvious but it’s easy to forget. A little smile and a warm greeting can go a long way. Not only that, but you should make sure that your business puts your customers’ happiness above everything else and that you’re readily available and flexible with your clients’ needs.

Let your customers feel free to approach you and be the kind of business you yourself would want to support with these practical tips.

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