How Modern Dentistry is Using Technology to Improve Their Services

It’s no secret that technology has drastically changed how we live, work, and play. These days, it seems like there’s a new app or gadget for just about everything. And the dental industry is no exception. In fact, dentists are using cutting-edge technology to provide their patients with better care than ever before. Here are just a few of the ways that modern dentistry is using technology to improve its services.

Digital X-Rays and Cavity Detection

Gone are the days of film x-rays and manually developing them in a dark room. Today, digital x-rays are the standard of care in dental offices across the country. Not only do digital x-rays produce clearer images than traditional x-rays, but they also emit up to 90% less radiation. This is important because it means patients can get the necessary diagnostic information without being exposed to unnecessary radiation.

In addition to digital x-rays, many dental offices are now using cavitometers. A cavitometer is a small handheld device that uses lasers to detect cavities in teeth. This is important because it allows dentists to catch cavities before they become big problems. By using cavitometers, dentists can treat cavities before they become expensive root canals or other more serious dental problems.

Dental Implants

Dental implants serve as replacement teeth for missing or no longer usable. They are made from titanium and are implanted into the jawbone via surgery. The latest advance in dental technology is the ability to custom design and fit dental implants. Traditional implants were often one-size-fits-all and could lead to a less-than-perfect fit, leading to potential discomfort and difficulty with chewing. However, custom dental implants allow for a precise fit that feels like a natural tooth.

In addition, dental implants can also be made to match the color and shape of surrounding teeth for a completely natural look. So not only do custom implants provide more comfort and function, but they also promote aesthetics. As technology continues to advance at lightning speed, we can only imagine what new advancements the future may hold for dentistry.

Cone Beam CT Scans

One of the latest advancements in dental technology is the use of cone beam CT scans. This scan offers a more comprehensive view of the mouth, teeth, and jaws than traditional x-rays. It can also provide images in 3D, allowing for more precise diagnoses and treatment planning. In addition to being used for dental implant placement, cone beam CT scans can provide valuable information for diagnosing TMJ disorders, detecting abnormalities or tumors, and planning orthodontic treatment. While traditional dental x-rays are still commonly used in dental offices, adding cone beam CT technology to your practice can significantly enhance the range and accuracy of treatments you can offer patients. It’s just one more way that dentistry continues to advance and improve patient care.

Laser Dentistry

When it comes to dental technology, lasers have definitely made a mark. Often referred to as “laser dentistry,” this technology can be used for various procedures, including decay detection, tooth preparation, and gum contouring. One of the benefits of using lasers is improved accuracy and precision, resulting in minimal discomfort for the patient. In addition, laser dentistry can also reduce bleeding and speed up healing time. While not all dentists offer laser treatments, more and more are beginning to incorporate them into their practice as the technology becomes more widely available. If you’re interested in seeing what options are available for your next procedure, ask your dentist about any laser options they may offer.

Oral Cancer Screenings

female dental patient under screening

Oral cancer is a deadly form of cancer and is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer if it is diagnosed early enough. Many dental offices now offer oral cancer screenings as routine care. Oral cancer screenings involve using a lighted scope to look for signs of cancer in the mouth and throat. If any suspicious areas are found, a biopsy can be performed to confirm or deny the presence of cancerous cells.

Oral cancer screenings are important because they can save lives by catching oral cancer in its earliest stages when it is most treatable.

The bottom line

Technology has come a long way in recent years, and nowhere is this more apparent than in dentistry. From digital x-rays and cavity detection to cone beam CT scans and oral cancer screenings, dentists are now able to offer their patients better care than ever before, thanks to advances in technology. If you’re due for a checkup, be sure to ask your dentist about how they’re using technology to improve their services. You may be surprised at just how far dentistry has come!

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