Keeping Up with the Times: Tech Trends to Watch Out For

As an owner of a business, it’s in your best interest to be on the lookout for different ways to improve your brand. Whether you’ve just launched a startup or you’re trying to keep your company at the forefront of the competition, you can always take advantage of the newest technology continually being created and released.

With that in mind, here are the latest tech trends in 2021 to help you grow your market while improving efficiency and protecting your brand.

Influencer Marketing

In today’s digital world, where people are accustomed to using some form of social media like Facebook and Twitter in their daily lives, you’ll likely come across promotional and branded content. All these spell great news for businesses, and though the strategy of using big names isn’t something new, social media platforms enable ads to appear on users’ screens with far more ease than conventional ads. So, instead of hiring a social media influencer to appear in a commercial, having them talk about your product or service is more beneficial.

Although using professional commercials made from renowned video production studios, more people are looking for something more personal.

Adoption of Big Tech and Artificial Intelligence

Thanks to technology playing a significant role in most companies’ daily operations, the modern business world is now more connected than ever. As smartphones become smarter and broadband internet expanding its horizons, 2021 is the year that more brands embrace big tech or big data and artificial intelligence (AI). In the fast-paced technological advancements, the widespread usage of high-tech business solutions was inevitable, given how fast society has integrated tech into their lives. Because of that, more businesses will use tech to personalize how they interact with customers.

Digital Healthcare

Digital healthcare was already here for a while, but the practice continues to rise due to the dire circumstances in 2020, benefitting business owners. Not only this saves businesses valuable time and money, but digital healthcare paves the way to fundamental changes to the job market, directly helping small businesses. After all, there should be no moment to waste when running small businesses. This tech trend has become an affordable way for business owners to ensure their employees stay healthy while maintaining productivity.

In the past, if a worker gets sick or experiences any medical condition, they’d usually need to take time off to go to the doctor’s office, wait for their appointment before finally getting treated. All these are changing as telehealth companies offer remote services to patients, meaning an employee can see the doctor through video, anywhere they’d please, whether at the office or home. The digital health trend can also expand into virtual reality or augmented reality down the line. By seeing doctors online, employees can save more time and energy that they can spend on their jobs.

Video Conferencing

at a video conference

As people are forced to stay at home in 2020 due to the unique circumstances the world is facing, the rise of remote work, school, and meetings have led to making ‘Zoom’ and video conferencing in general mainstream. As the pandemic continues to devastate the world, businesses are likely to continue using these platforms to stay connected among peers and consumers. Video conferencing enables individuals to become productive remotely while getting the human connection they need.

These video-streaming and calling platforms have brought virtual teams closer. Although some people are beginning to go back to their physical offices in 2021, video conferencing will likely continue to dominate the virtual world. The crises have also forced companies to implement new safety requirements, unpredictable employee availability, and changing regulations, driving businesses to upgrade their antiquated tools.


Besides growing your brand, protecting is just as crucial. Never underestimate the importance of cybersecurity in your operations, especially in the digital age where people are bringing their operations online. New software solutions are continually being made, unifying businesses’ functions, enabling smoother communications and processes across integrated platforms.

Although these innovations are excellent for your business overall, such centralization increases the need to implement cybersecurity measures, especially since 61% of the thousands of cyberattack incidents aim towards smaller firms every year. So, it’s best to be proactive and take a couple of extra measures to protect your business from cyberattacks. You can do this by regularly updating your software and ensuring all your point-of-systems are safe.

Now that you know the technological channels to take more advantage of in 2021, you can set your brand apart from the rest, helping you stay current and operations up-to-date—ensuring smoother transactions, happier customers, and more significant profits.

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